DISCOVERY by Melinda Harvey

My passionate longings for paper frequently find me browsing in bookstores and libraries.  The sight of those rows of books, sometimes out of order, gives me a sense of tranquility.  I like paper—pristine and untouched—so I am always drawn to the journal section first.  Journals, waiting to spring to life, beckon to me.
            Next I drift to the clearance section.  I can read anything for a buck.  When I’m done, there is another donation for my library.  The clearance tables are great for new discoveries.  I spent several months reading books with the word “lizard” in the title.
            As the lizard craze was reaching a termination, I felt an all too lovely tingle beginning in my finger tips and traveling up until it becomes a smile.  On the cover of the book were the words, “If only I hadn’t kidnapped the dog...” A new path opens before me.

From John Dufresne's Sessions